Friday, August 28, 2009

Glossary of Terms Socks

Glossary of Terms (Socks)
Knitting Of Socks

(Multi-feed, transfer, gore, needle)
Absence of yarn caused by knitting change from multi-feed to single feed in heel and toe; from yarn changes from top to body of sock; lifter or dropper not working properly; bad latch on needle; bad yarn; etc., resulting in missing, broken, or cut yarn.

The inside yarn floats over the outside yarn.

Split stitch
One yarn misses one needle in a single course (one wale).

Drop stitch
Both yarns missed in one needle in a single course (one wale).

Loop out/yarn floats
One yarn misses two or more needles in a single course.

Tuck stitch/rabbit track
One ore more needles hold the loop (usually all yarns) for more than one course. May be random or down one wale when caused by a defective needle.

Flat rib (missing rib)
Bad jack causing a flat or missing rib.

Needle run Vertical defect,
when a needle stops knitting, appears as a missing wale.

Sinker/needle lines
Thick or thin vertical line following the wales, usually the length of the sock.

Bent latch
When latch on the needle is bent to one side causing a wide wale or rough line.

Roll top
Elastic tension is too loose or inappropriate size of elastic in the design.

run under Yarn goes over or under a sinker and does not form the terry loops; all of the yarn is in the appropriate course but is flat knit rather than terry.

Yarn out
Yarn is missing from all or a portion of one or more courses. Caused by breaks in the yarn.

Streaks that run with the courses; caused by uneven yarn tensions, uneven yarn wax/oils, uneven yarn counts, uneven stitch cams, mixing old with new polyester/nylon yarns.

Gore hole
Hole in gore area that has broken yarn(s).

Open gore
Similar to gore hole, but does not have broken yarns; caused by inappropriate machine adjustments.

Crows feet/needle tracks High/low stitches

Run over
Polyester or nylon yarn gets on top of the sinker causing rags or very rough knit.

Bleeding terry
Terry loops appear on the outside of the sock.

Seaming of Socks
Raw edges, broken, or skipped stitches

Open seam or loose stitch tension

Long corners/dog ears Seam line runs beyond the gore or extended gore line.

Finishing of Socks
Dye spots, streaks, splotches
Dye spots can be darker or lighter of the same or a different color. Streaks usually appear as long diagonal or vertical marks usually darker in color. Splotches are dark or light blotches on colored fabric. Caused by dye contamination, “fly” dye, by chemicals being left out, incorrect amount of chemicals, dye bath not reaching correct temperature, loose dye not evenly distributed on socks, dye transfer from one sock to another (particularly if left in buggies damp), etc.

Pilling Yarn in sock is abraded by the run time or burrs in the dye tub or dryer; appearance has small balls or knots of fibers. Particularly prevalent in larger size open end yarns with too little twist.

Bruised socks Acrylic socks that cool too quickly in the dye tub and appear as having light or dark streaks.

Twisted ribs Sock rib is twisted or turned caused by improper alignment on the boarding machine, exacerbated by high twist in ring spun yarns.

Website of RY International - Socks Hosiery Manufacturer

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